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Viruses can be found everywhere. They can cause great havoc to humans, animals, and plants, from illness to death. Most virologists consider viruses non-living, as they do not meet all the criteria of the generally accepted definition of life process. A virus is not able to metabolize, grow, or reproduce on its own, but must take over a host cell that provides these functions without the aid of a host cell, and is therefore not considered “living.”
From hospitals to pharmacies, locker rooms and classrooms, these diverse environments have one thing in common they all face ongoing challenge of combating and prevent harmful pathogens from infecting their stakeholders and products. IonoSept technology has proved its efficacy against MRSA, VRE, C.difficile, H5N1, Legionella, Aspergillus niger and many other types of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

IONOSEPT® device completely ionizes SteriSept (H2O2) to OH- ions, which are ejected with a speed of 80m/s and reach everywhere, even the invisible areas.
OH- ions – from IONOSEPT® – penetrate the protein sheath, reaching the DNA and results in oxidation and decomposition of DNA.
- Ionosept is a powerful, highly effective, broad spectrum disinfectant that is both stable and safe.
- The ionosept disinfection system® is the only aerosolized disinfectant system on the market to be approved by the epafor achieving a proven, 10 -log kill rate against pathogens capable of interfering with delicate processes. IonoSept pairs this superior efficacy with cost effectiveness and ease of use, delivering the most comprehensive value in cleanroom and laboratory disinfectants. we call this the ionosept•sealedstandard.
- This unique product uses a solution of hydrogen peroxide (h2 o2 ) which is stabilized using a proprietary ionic silver based chemistry. as a highly effective disinfectant system it has proven to be a truly credible alternative to traditional chlorine disinfection methods by using a dry fog technology .

Aqueous solutions of poly hexamethylenebiguanide salt [stable]
Sterisept & infection control
Sterisept is a highly effective, fast-acting biocide and very safe used as a disinfectant for hospitals and pharmaceutical industries.
Sterisept used for disinfection of equipment, floors, and other hard surfaces.
SteriSept composition & Specification
SteriSept based on polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB)
an extraordinary form of biosurfactant, biocatalyst, and activator, which provides the following properties:
- Extensive toxicity studies suggest acceptable use risk to humans
- Used as eye drops, impregnated wet wipes, and skin creams and lotions, and wound care as a clean solution for eye lenses.
- Fast-acting bactericide, active at low concentrations against Gram-positive and Gram-negative vegetative bacteria. At higher concentrations effective against yeasts and fungi
- Non-specific mode of action with no known evidence of the development of organism resistance.
- Water-soluble; which means it is readily water rinsed so minimizing the risk of residues
- Therefore, it is the ideal solution for the treatment of all fungicidal and bacterial infections.
- A typical use levels have no smell, no taste and are non-staining
- Retains activity in the presence of organic matter, such as proteins, fat, and blood, so providing reliable performance in the presence of soils after poor cleaning
- Active in both soft and hard water
- Active pH: neutral 7 ± 0.1
- SteriSept is stable over a temperature range from 0 to 100 °C
- Readily formulated with non-ionic surfactants (e.g., alcohol ethoxylates) and sequestrates (e.g., EDTA, NTA)
- Non-corrosive, and compatible with common materials of construction at typical use levels
- In the recommended concentration, it can be used in the presence of human coworkers
- No effect on colors
Mechanism of Action
Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) is a polymeric cationic antimicrobial agent that has been deployed in consumer applications for over 20 years. While it shares many attributes with the simpler cationic agents, it has additional action mechanisms that render it unique amongst this generic class of antimicrobials.
The outermost surface of microbial cells universally carries a net negative charge, often stabilized by the presence of divalent cations such as Mg2+ and Ca2+
The microbial membranes are composed primarily of proteins, embedded within a lipid matrix and approximating to a bi-layer.
The proteins either fully traverse the two sides of the bilayer (integral proteins) or are peripheral and associate with one specific side. Many of these membrane proteins are required to maintain the structural integrity of the membrane.
PHMB, the active ingredients of SteriSept binds rapidly to the bilayer membrane and, in doing so, displaces the otherwise stabilizing presence of Ca2+ The interstitial hexamethylene groups of the polymer are hydrophobic yet sufficiently inflexible that they cannot interdigitate into the hydrophobic core of the cell membrane.
Therefore, a bridging of adjacent acidic-phospholipids is brought about by the interaction of the SteriSept active ingredients with the cell membrane. One additional feature of this interaction is that it will tend to become concentrated around any points of maximum charge density within the membrane normally carrier or integrated proteins. This leads to the loss of their function by inflicting changes in their boundary phospholipid environment leading to cellular leakage.
Mechanism of SteriSept against the virus
Viruses can be found everywhere. They can cause great havoc to humans, animals, and plants, from illness to death. Most virologists consider viruses non-living, as they do not meet all the criteria of the generally accepted definition of life process. A virus is not able to metabolize, grow, or reproduce on its own, but must take over a host cell that provides these functions without the aid of a host cell, and is therefore not considered “living.”
IONOSEPT® device completely ionizes SteriSept (H2O2) to OH- ions, which are ejected with a speed of 80m/s and reach everywhere, even the invisible areas.
OH- ions – from IONOSEPT® – penetrate the protein sheath, reaching the DNA and results in oxidation and decomposition of DNA.

the unique composition of 9% oxygenated water chemically fixed with silver particles (1 ppm) and a highly specialized electrical conductivity catalyst with ionization specifically for IonoSept device that transformed into ions (OH-), which maximizes its effectiveness against the destruction of microbes of all kinds and also Biofilm
- works to kill microbes in the air and sterilize the surfaces when deposited on them.
- the excess of these ions combines half an hour again after the treatment is finished
- Safe compounds are given as water and oxygen (H2O + O2).
- Completely safe, non-toxic, non-irritating to the skin or respiratory system, and has no cumulative effects.
- It has no smell or color and does not leave traces or stains on surfaces or clothes and at the same time is safe for the environment and food
- Not harmful to materials and minerals and does not cause alteration, damage, or corrosion to them.
- HydroSept is a revolutionary complete disinfection product developed in Germany.
- HydroSept is the ultimate and simple answer to destroying 99.9% of all harmful bacteria, fungus, and viruses.
- We have many case studies that prove the efficacy of the HydroSept technology against MRSA’s, VRE’s, C.Diff, H5N1, H1N1, Legionella, Aspergillus Niger and many other types of bacteria, fungus and viruses
- New-generation disinfection with the IonoSept/HydroSept concept
- The disinfectant product, HydroSept (and the other disinfectant products of the same line), is a liquid containing 6% of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in distilled water spiked with colloidal silver.
- The combination of speed and temperature during spraying ionizes the emitted particles and degrades the peroxide into highly oxidizing free radicals – very short-lived ‘superoxide’ ions – life span.
- As this degradation is fast, no volatile organic compounds are generated.
- In this non-wetting fog, the particle size (1: 7 µ on average) ensures slow and perfectly uniform sedimentation on every square centimeter of the treated premises with no humidity
- Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a widely used biocide for disinfection, sterilization, and antisepsis.
- It is a clear, colorless liquid that is commercially available in a variety of concentrations ranging from 3 to 90%.
- H2O2 considered environmentally friendly because it can rapidly degrade into the innocuous products water and oxygen. Although pure solutions are generally stable, most contain stabilizers to prevent decomposition.
- H2O2 demonstrates broad-spectrum efficacy against viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and bacterial spores.
MicroSept M

MicroSept M. antimicrobial products based on the active agent Poly-Hexa Methylene- Biguanide-Hydrochloride (PHMB), a broad-spectrum, fast-acting Microcide used in Medical Field,
- Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial
- The fast bactericidal effect at low concentrations
- Non-corrosive
- Non-staining
- Odorless
- Non-volatile
- Features Biocide Activity
- Retained activity in the presence of organic matter.
- Active in both soft and hard water
- Effective in a wide range of pH (1-11)
- Low foaming ‘low surface tension.’
- Does not leave streak marks on surfaces
- Storage stable formulation
- Non-flammable & easy to handle.
- Heat stable
- Aqueous
MicroSept M. antimicrobials being primarily solid surface disinfectants are suitable
for a wide range of applications in various areas & fields including:
Hospitals, operating theatres, Pediatric & Maternity suites, intensive care units, operating table, Medical & Dental Laboratories & clinics. CSSD`s (Surgical & dental Instruments –Flexible & rigid endoscope. Pharmaceutical plants & sterile areas.
MicroSept activity:
- Broad-spectrum, fast-acting bactericide.
- No known development of organism resistance.
- Active against Gram +ve and Gram –ve bacteria.
- Active against pathogenic organisms (e.g. E. coli 0157)
- Active against antibiotic-resistant bacteria (e.g. MRSA, VRE)
- Active against odor-causing bacteria.
- Active against amoeba, fungi & yeast.
- Retained activity in the presence of organic matter.
- Active against enveloped and naked DNA & RNA viruses including
- Influenza A2, H5 N1
- Hepatitis A, B, C
- Herpes simplex
- Vaccinia
MicroSept M. has several mechanisms of action on micro-organisms. It means that bacterial resistance is very unlikely to occur.
MicroSept F

Due to continuous exposure to food materials, food processing tools and equipment forma very rich media for the flourish of micro-organisms. Raw food materials itself is theperfect media to grow micro-organisms.
- Special formula based on PHMB (PolyHexaMethylene Biguanide).
- Fast-acting against all kinds of micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores).
- Retain its activity in organic matters.
- It has several mechanisms of action on micro-organisms; this means that bacterial
resistance is very unlikely to occur.
- Does not leave streaks or marks on surfaces.
- Harmless to humans, animals, and food, it’s also environment-friendly.
- Very safe: Non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-teratogenic, it doesn’t cause skin or
respiratory irritation, no accumulative traces.
- Fast bactericidal effect at low concentrations
- Long-lasting (stable) in different temperatures with the same efficiency.
- Odorless, colorless, non-staining.
- Aqueous, it dissolves in water.
- Chemically inactive (non-corrosive), i.e., it doesn’t react with materials or metals.
Range of Application:
Food Processing Plants
Dairies & Milking Parlors
Cheese Molding Firms
Poultry Hatcheries
Canned Food Pasteurizers
Beverage Bottling Plants And everywhere
MicroSept F has a broad spectrum against all types of micro-organisms, including:
Gram +ve Bacteria
Staphylococous aureus (MRSA)
Staphylococous aureus
Staphylococous pyogenes
Clostridium botulinum
Listeria monocytogenes
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus cereus
Gram –ve Bacteria
Escherichia coli 0157:H7
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Campylobacter jejuni
Legionella pneumophila
Proteus sp
Klebsiella sp
Salmonella sp
Aspergillus niger
Candiada albicans
Herpes simplex
Hepatitis A, B & C
‘’MicroSept Antimicrobials only by EXOVIO Germany ‘’
MicroSept Family
MicroSept M | Medical Use |
MicroSept F | Food Industries |
MicroSept Plus | General Use |
MicroSept SP | Swimming Pools |
MicroSept PH | Pharmaceutical Use |
MicroSept WRX | Water Treatment |
Mechanism of action
Four (4) different mechanisms of action:
Poly-Hexamethylene Biguanide polymer – Microsept main active ingredient – possesses along a chain of +ve charged that bacterial attack surface and displaced Ca++ and Mg++, causing bacterial instability.
MicroSept +ve charged units attract functional protein enzymes (such as ATPase & Phospholipids), causing loss of their functions and subsequently cessation of the microorganism.
Following the replacement of Ca++ and Mg++ in the membrane by Poly-Hexamethylene Biguanide Polymer, it binds with functional protein, vital enzymes & acidic phospholipids. It changes it energetically to favorable hexagonal phase leading to a total loss of permeability, so a loss of all cytoplasmic content causing the complete destruction of microorganisms.
Microsept activator that posses a homogenous stable 4 –ve charges ‘EDTA like action’ acts by the fast attraction of icons from the microorganism coat (Bacteria, Viruses & Fungi) producing cracks. Such electric instability & cracks inactivate the microorganism immediately and give way to the Microsept main active ingredient ‘Poly-Hexamethylene Biguanide’ to destroy the microorganism’s internal structures.
Mechanism of action of MicroSept on viruses
- The virus is mainly formed of DNA or RNA naked or coated.
- The MicroSept main active ingredient “Poly-Hexamethylene Biguanide” PHMB has a very high affinity to bind with protein causing direct decomposition and destruction of both protein coat and DNA or RNA.

- Products for which a manufacturer is claiming antimicrobial activity are considered to be pesticides , and must be registered by epa before such products can be legally marketed.
- Cleaners or detergents are not registered products.
- The Safer Choice label signifies that the product’s formula has represented it to the EPA, contains ingredients with more positive human health and environmental characteristics than conventional products of the same type.
Clean rooms, intensive care units, medical, dental and veterinary, laboratories, pharmaceutical, consulting rooms, schools, hotels, sanitized preparation areas, electronic & computing equipment’s , air-conditioning systems, transport. hospitals, clinics, vets, dentists, restaurants, ambulances, daycare centres, schools, aeroplanes, households, laboratories, offices, militaryin fact.
Anywhere that disinfection is desirable & necessary. Even complete vehicles can be de-contaminated inside and out.
Our concept
- New-generation from EXOVIO disinfection with the IonoSept/SteriSept concept
- The disinfectant product, SteriSept & HydroSept (and the other disinfectant products of the same line)
- IonoSept is a device developed around a heating and ionizing turbine that sprays the SteriSept liquid transformed into a dry fog.
- The concept developed by EXOVIO is this device-product combination.
- As this degradation is fast, no volatile organic compounds are generated.
- In this non-wetting fog, the particle size (5 µ on average) ensures slow and perfectly uniform sedimentation on every square centimeter of the treated premises with no humidity.
These facilities regularly receive patients who carry pathogens and often have impaired immunity. To decrease or eliminate the potential for infections, surfaces with which the patient may be in contact should be submitted to thorough cleaning and disinfection processes. It is then essential to own a system for efficiently disinfecting/sterilizing 100% of room surfaces (patients’ rooms, theatres, etc.).

These institutions receive individuals for usually long periods. Most often, these patients have impaired or depressed immunity. Even if nosocomial infections are less of a concern in those types of institutions, it is nevertheless necessary to remain careful and master the infectious risk, using a concept that will treat all the surfaces.

Ambulance usually is emergency respondents and transport every day a great number of persons. Each transported person may be potentially contaminated (or leave pathogens) on the surfaces with which this person was in contact if no efficient disinfection procedure is implemented between every patient transports.
Ambulances, vehicles are used for transporting ill or injured persons. These are weakened persons who are, therefore, at higher risk of getting an infection. The source of the contamination may be the material used or the ambulance staff. At the same time, the patients may themselves contaminate the ambulance staff. It is also possible that the material or the ambulance staff’s carryover the pathogens of a patient to another patient. The problem is similar to nosocomial infection, although being legally considered as distinct, as it is impossible to control the environment in which people are being taken from. Therefore, ambulance staff and firefighters must follow strict cleaning and disinfection protocols

Disinfection in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries is a key and all-important link towards production. Within the pharmaceutical industry, disinfecting the manufacturing equipment is a necessity for the prevention of cross-contamination. A disinfecting process following a strict protocol may prevent any potential consumer contamination.
The position of a person in charge of disinfection is a role of the utmost importance in the food processing industry, demonstrating the growing importance of food safety issues in our contemporary society. To conform to these higher requirements, the food processing industry has to develop always safer disinfection policies for its premises and equipment, to provide products of good microbiological quality, and protect the end consumer.
People are more mobile every day, and transport means are developing. Public transport systems carry more and more people who always travel with increased facility from one destination to another.
The significant features of the public transport systems are the high rate of use, diversity, and the promiscuity of travelers. We also know that infectious diseases are more easily transmitted, and in an epidemic mode, in closed environments, in particular, where a large number of people live in close contact.
As we have seen with the propagation of the h1n1, an influenza virus (swine influenza), the worldwide spread of a virus can now go extremely fast. With the strong expansion of trade exchanges across all the regions of our planet and the increased mobility of people, a virus can spread very quickly throughout the world.
Being used by a larger number of individuals and characterized by the important promiscuity between users, transports have numerous sources of contamination, which may promote the expansion of infections. Infectious diseases are transmitted much more easily and quickly in closed environments where there is a steady heavy flow of individuals.
the expansion of goods transportation, as well as that of individuals, enhances the quick circulation of infectious agents, whether it be within a town, a country, or the whole world. The disinfection of these transport means allows a significant decrease in contamination risks and a specific virus circulation risk from one country to another.
Communities of children (school, nurseries, and infant day-care, drop-ins), resulting in close contacts between several children in a relatively limited space, promote the transmission of infectious agents.
The transmission of viruses, bacteria, and parasites from sick subjects or asymptomatic carriers to healthy subjects occurs through nasal and oral secretions (sputters), stools, urine, or skin (direct or indirect contact with objects or another person). Every child carries viruses, bacteria, and parasites, which can be passed to the other children of the nursery, and also to staff and members of their own families.
Many factors related to early childhood (incontinence, the suction of hands and objects, dependence on adults providing multiple cares) also promote the transmission of infectious diseases.
All this explains why the incidence of respiratory infectious diseases is higher in children living in nurseries.
Schools, nurseries and infant day-care, drop-ins going to the nursery is probably the main factor in the epidemiology of many infectious diseases, as the nurseries are a unique place for the transmission of infections.
Are characterized by the brevity of clients’ vacations. Therefore, the same hotel room will be used by numerous and varied clients in a single year. Due to this diversity, hotel rooms contain an enormous number of bacteria and germs. It should also be added that some places may keep a trace of some clients (cigarettes, etc.). Efficient disinfection will first ensure that the new patron finds a healthy environment and that, at the same time, unpleasant smells have been eliminated.
Surfaces in contact with hands or food, major carriers of cross-contamination, collect and disseminate all types of germs. The surfaces in contact with hands and food are cutting boards, counters, refrigerators, kitchenware. To minimize infection risks, it is essential to disinfect anything in contact with food regularly.
Animals carry parasites, bacteria, etc. Animals are exposed to contaminations either during a surgical procedure at the veterinary hospital or while in the cattle. Indeed, as any human being, an animal may suffer from an infection acquired during surgery. Likewise, if a virus infects an animal while in cattle, it may put at risk the health of all the other animals of livestock farming. It is, therefore, essential to disinfect the animals’ habitat to protect them against any potential infection.
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